Status: Conditional


Intrinsic Place: 2891 Sunridge Way NE

Braithwaite Boyle Centre: 1701 Centre Street NW

Net Rentable Area: 

Intrinsic Place: 87,271 SF

Braithwaite Boyle Centre: 54,905 SF

Year Built: 

Intrinsic Place: 2001

Braithwaite Boyle Centre: 1982


Intrinsic Place

  • Exceptional opportunity to acquire a Class “A” downtown office building at a significant discount to replacement cost
  • 100% leased to 7 tenants, with a weighted average lease term of 3.2 years
  • Intrinsic Place has an average in-place net rent of $15.08 PSF, with future contractual increases over existing lease terms
  • Excellent parking ratio of 1 stall per 327 SF (3.06 stalls per 1,000 SF), which supports medical uses

Braithwaite Boyle Centre

  • 90% leased to 11 tenants, with a large portion being long-term tenants
  • Braithwaite Boyle Centre has an average in-place net rent of $12.25 PSF
  • Significant capital investments have recently been made to the building lobbies, complete elevator modernization overhaul, and mechanical/HVAC systems
  • Located on a prominent corner site, with direct exposure to 16th Avenue NW (Trans-Canada Highway)? The site will be directly adjacent to the future Green Line LRT 16th Avenue N Station

Confidentiality Agreement

This property has a confidentiality agreement. If you'd like to know more, please download it below, sign it, and return it to us at


Contact for more info

Duncan MacLean

Duncan co-leads the CBRE National Investment Team in Calgary alongside his partner, Richie Bhamra.

Duncan MacLean
Executive Vice President
Richie Bhamra

Richie co-leads the CBRE National Investment Team in Calgary alongside his partner, Duncan MacLean.

Richie Bhamra
Executive Vice President
Geoff Mar

Geoff started his commercial real estate career in 1993. He’s a Senior Vice President with the CBRE National Investment Team in Calgary and has been a vital member since the Team’s inception.

Geoff Mar
Senior Vice President
Tyler Allen

Tyler is a Senior Vice President with the CBRE National Investment Team in Calgary with over 13 years of commercial real estate experience.

Tyler Allen
Senior Vice President